SOOOO it has officially been over one whole year since I have posted!!! Last pictures up here are our Christmas photos from LAST year. Here are our Christmas photos from this year. Where do I start? .....Andrew sold The Valley Sign Post in October of last year and is working full time for a company called Soil Basics where he does fertilizer and pesticide consulting and sales. He loves it and loves the fact that he only works Monday through Friday and isn't stuck in an office job. I am finishing up my last semester of Nursing School at COS. I am currently working as an Intern in the ICU at Kaweah Delta Hospital in Visalia. Mitchell started Kindergarten last August and surprises me everyday with what he is learning in school. Emily and Wyatt are at pre-school and love going to school and playing with their friends everyday. We are quickly approaching all the kids birthday which is February 1st!!! Mitchell turns 6, and the twins turn 4!!! I can't believe it!!! I will post pictures following their big Birthday Bash Bonanza!