Friday, February 22, 2008

3 weeks old

To all family and friends:

We made it to 3 weeks! With each week, I grow more and more hopeful. Sadly, we still can have no promises from the nurses or doctors. I have no new pictures to update, I am absolutely horrible at that and we need to get a new camera. Things are going along as they should be right now. At least I think they are. Wyatt is doing well off the ventilator still but is having problems digesting the food. They have turned him down to 2 ML's of breastmilk every 3 hours. He weighs 2 pounds 11 onces. While Emily is progressing well with her feedings at 18 ML's of breastmilk every 3 hours. She is not doing as well on her respiratory end of things. She has failed for the 3rd time to be taken off the ventilator and will try again in another week. ( That is the tub down her esphagus that is placed into her lungs) She is weighing in at 2 pounds 10 onces. They both have their strengths right now. The doctor is not concerned on either one of their vessels attached to their heart. Wyatt's is closed and Emily is only opened a little as of now. We paid to have blood directly donated by a friend in the case of surgery or blood transfusions. (Which they both have had) We appreciate all the continual thoughts and prayers as we still have a road ahead of us. I will post updated pics as soon as possible. Thanks again.



Whitney said...

We're so glad to hear there's been some improvement. We were relieved to hear that their hearts are doing better. Hang in there. We're praying for you guys.

Eagle's Nest said...

The babies are absolutely beautiful...losing that new preemie look. Really wonderful!