Sunday, July 13, 2008

Emily's Results

I spoke with the doctor last week about Emily's EEG, and after many weeks of waiting for the results they were inconclusive. Which means the 3 and half hours of taping 27 probes on her head showed nothing. I knew there was going to be a huge chance of this outcome since it was the first time for the guy who did it. I'm trying to remain positive though because our doctor says that 10 percent of the results of these tests show irregular activity in people who have no seizure problems whatsoever. She said it is not a good gage of problematic issues that could be happening neurologically. She is not worried about Emily's condition because she was very sick when the incident did occur. I trust her conclusions and am hopeful that we won't have to go through that again. It is funny how you take for granted your children's health when your first one is born completely healthy. How blessed we are to have them with us today. 5 months ago I wasn't sure they would make it. They have come so far.

1 comment:

4 Reeders said...

Hang in there...I know how frustrating this can all be. As you said, they have both come so far and the Lord has big plans for them. We will continue to lift them up in prayer. You have a beautiful family!