Here are some pics of Mitchell. He is wearing Andrew's beanie, and it fits!!! This kid has a big head! There is also a pic of his new swing set we bought. The roof is the only thing still not on. The last one he is deep in thought.
The twins are ajusting well to being at home with us. They love being with their brother(except when he is jumping like it is a trampoline in their crib, while they are in it). They are good babies, eating and sleeping well. I took them to the doctors last week and Wyatt weighed 5 pounds 5 ounces and Emily weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces. Each about 19 inches long. They are completely nursing eating every 2-3 hours. Nights are hard with only getting 2 hours of sleep in between my 1 hour feedings but I love the time I get to spend with them. Wyatt looks just like Mitchell when he was a baby, and Emily we call our "little white girl" because she looks nothing like me. I mean you just don't think to yourself, "wow, her mom must be Korean." They will be three months tomorrow.
The twins are home!!! They came home yesterday, Wednesday, in the afternoon on day 75 in the NICU. It came as a shock for me because on Sunday the doctor told me they would be going home early the following week. This was great news since all they kept saying was wait till their due date. The doctor shared with me that it is very rare that they are going home so early and doing so well. They came home almost 3 and a half weeks early. She also said that it is very rare that they are both healthy enough to go home at the same time. As I am writing this e-mail all three of my kids are sleeping. Phew, I'm exhasted. I just wanted to also take the time to thank my mom and Gale for helping out so much with Mitchell and other things. Thanks also to everyone else who had a hand, prayer, and thought for our kids. I tear up thinking that this could have not come at all. Emily came home weighing 4 pounds 10 ounces and Wyatt weighed 5 pounds 2 ounces. Here are some pics. I guess the updates will slow down now that they are home, but I'll keep our blog updates with photos. Thanks again for all the love for our family.
Today they are 10 weeks old and have spent 70 days in the NICU. They are doing very well. Both are off of oxygen totally and are nursing 5 out of 8 of their feedings in 24 hours. Needless to say I am TIRED. Our contact list for the e-mails has grown and grown, and we are just so thankful there are so many people who care for us and are pulling for our babies. 10 weeks I ago I wasn't even sure if they were going to make it. They have given me so much strength in watching them endure so much. They are truly amazing, and I'm so thankful to be able to have them in my life. Still don't know when they are coming home but only 4 more weeks till their due date, I am hopeful. Everyone's love and support has kept me going. I hope you enjoy the pics for this week. :)
Well, we have wrapped up with week 9, and I am about ready to really lose my mind. I guess in some ways it is even harder having them in Visalia because they are so close to home but not HOME HOME. The move has overall been a lot better for our family. Mitchell gets to spend more time with me and stay in his daily routine. I feel like I live at the hospital, and when I'm not there I'm thinking about when I'm going to be able to get there again. They are both doing well. Still on low oxygen, but now in a crib and maintaining their own temperatures. Wyatt weighs 4 and a half pounds and nurses 3 times a day. The rest of his feedings he is fed through his tube. Emily weighs 4 pounds 2 ounces and nurses every other feeding, so I am there late every night and early every morning. I love being with them. :) 5 more weeks till thier homecoming. Pray that it comes sooner than later:) Thanks again to all, we love you very much. And Congrats to my cousin, Chrissy, who had baby Callie on April 1st!!!