Saturday, April 5, 2008

65 days in the NICU

Well, we have wrapped up with week 9, and I am about ready to really lose my mind. I guess in some ways it is even harder having them in Visalia because they are so close to home but not HOME HOME. The move has overall been a lot better for our family. Mitchell gets to spend more time with me and stay in his daily routine. I feel like I live at the hospital, and when I'm not there I'm thinking about when I'm going to be able to get there again. They are both doing well. Still on low oxygen, but now in a crib and maintaining their own temperatures. Wyatt weighs 4 and a half pounds and nurses 3 times a day. The rest of his feedings he is fed through his tube. Emily weighs 4 pounds 2 ounces and nurses every other feeding, so I am there late every night and early every morning. I love being with them. :) 5 more weeks till thier homecoming. Pray that it comes sooner than later:) Thanks again to all, we love you very much. And Congrats to my cousin, Chrissy, who had baby Callie on April 1st!!!

1 comment:

Tyler, Lisa, & Avery said...

We just want to let you know that you guys are in our thoughts all the time!! We prayer for you and your little ones everyday! Hope they continue to do well!

Love, Tyler and Lisa